Thursday, June 10, 2010

Big Cat Diary and what I did today

Big Cat Diary is my favorite show ever!!!!! How many of you watch Big Cat Diary?? I know this is so lame but I had to try it out...... If you like Big Cat Diary, you can follow Jackson Looseyia's Blog and Masai Mara Updates....... They both update you on your favorite Big Cat stars.
Lioness and cub

Well now onto my boring, lame life. Today I washed my dog and he was not happy. Then, I rode my horses and it started raining. There you go..... boring and lame!!!!!!

Olive treeing a warthog

Most of the time I will be blogging about BCD (Big Cat Diary) so don't expect the whole thing to be about my boring, lame life. Most of you have probably heard...... Red and Honey have both passed away........ Honey was killed by a tranquilizer dart in her kidneys: One of her cubs was hurt and a vet came in to treat him/her. The vet tranquilized Honey but in the wrong place..... :( No one knows how Red died: some say by spear and some say by poisoning..... They will both be missed. :( Thank you for reading.



  1. That is Boring and Lame!!!! JK, it is me

  2. Hi Bibifan#1,
    Great post here. I love these big cats, especialy the leopards (Olive's family) I have been spotting for the BBC;s BCD leopard team since 2003 when they started ith Bella and chui.

    Thanks you for your comments on my blog too.


  3. Paul,

    It is so cool that you have been spotting leopards since 2003!!!!! It would be so cool to do that!!!! I was wondering, how long do you stay in the Mara?


  4. Hi Bibi !

    I would like to tell you thatthe lions drinking picture are the Ridge pride lions, and the lioness and her cub, Tamu and one of her little ones (the picture was from the ending filming BCW 2006).
    Thank's for sharing !
